主要荣誉 2022年,芙蓉学者奖励计划; 2019年,湖南省121创新人才工程; 2016年,湘潭大学韶峰学者; 2013年,湖南省优秀博士论文; 2012年,湖南省骨干青年教师; 2012年,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖; 2012年,湖南省第14届自然科学二等优秀学术论文奖; 2012年,湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖; 2010年,宝钢教育奖优秀奖。 主持的主要科研项目 (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目: “定向组装室温磷光液晶构筑高效的高分子光波导材料”(22275158),2023-2026; (2) 湖南省重点研发:“高耐温及高效光热聚酰亚胺材料制备技术”(2023GK2031), 2023-2025; (3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目: “通过引导组装发光液晶构筑高效的偏振发光材料”(21975215),2020-2023; (4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目: “通过引导组装构筑结构可控的液晶纳米粒子聚合物”(21674088),2017-2020; (5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目: “以多重氢键复合构筑自愈合型液晶弹性体”(21374092),2014-2017; (6) 国家自然科学基金青年基金: “具有多层次有序结构液晶离聚物的制备及其性能研究”(21104062),2012-2014; (7) 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目:“液晶纳米粒子复合物的引导组装”(2016JJ2127),2016-2018; (8) 湖南省教育厅重点项目:“通过响应型发光液晶构筑波段可调的偏振发光材料”(19A486 ),2019-2021; (9) 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目: “具有多层次、多尺度有序结构的液晶嵌段共聚物的制备及其性能研究”(11B121),2011-2013; (10) 教育部博士点新教师基金:“新型功能型液晶离聚物的合成及其性能研究”(20114301120005),2012-2014; 主要论文(通讯作者或第一作者): (1) Deng Y, Yang YH, Xiao YH, Xie, H-L.*, Lan* RCH, Zhang LY, Yang H * Annual Energy-Saving Smart Windows with Actively Controllable Passive Radiative Cooling and Multimode Heating Regulation. Adv. Mater. 2024, 2401869. (2) Li, J., Guan, Y., Xia, W., Chen, J-K., Huang, J., Chen, Y., Lin, Q., Chen, E-Q., Xie, H-L.* Highly efficient room temperature phosphorescent liquid crystalline polymer optical waveguides for advanced optoelectronics Sci. China. Chem. 2024, 67(10), 3450–3457. (3) Chen, J-K., Cao, Y., Joy, A., Li, J., Hao, T-T., Huang, J., Li, X., * Liu, F., Xie, H-L.* Dynamic Dipole Moment of Luminescent Liquid Crystals Enabled Highly Efficient Active Waveguide Materials Design and Synthesis. Adv. Optical Mater. 2024, 2400726. (4) Huang, J., Jin, X., Yang, Xf., Zhao, Th., Xie, H-L.,* Duan, Pf*. Near-Infrared Circularly Polarized Luminescent Physical Unclonable Functions ACS Nano 2024, 18, 15888−15897 (5) Near-Infrared Room Temperature Phosphorescence from Single Polymers Containing Benzoselenadiazole Groups Long, ChY., Guan, Y., Ren, Chf., Lu, JW., Jin, ChJ., Wang, P., * Wang, P., * Xie, H-L.* ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2024, 6, 4896−4903 (6) Deng Y, Yang YH, Xiao YH, Xie, H-L.*, Lan* RCH, Zhang LY, Yang H * Ultrafast Switchable Passive Radiative Cooling Smart Windows with Synergistic Optical Modulation. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2301319. (7) Luo, H-Y., Guan, Y., Huang, J., Luo, Z-W., Huang, A., Wang, P., * Xie, H-L.* Circularly Polarized Luminescent Behavior of Delayed Fluorescence Liquid Crystals Based on Carbonized Polymer Dots. Adv. Optical Mater. 2023, 2300816. (8) Sh-Q Li, Y Deng, J Huang, P Wang, GL Liu*, Xie, H.-L.*, Light-absorbing copolymers of polyimides as efficient photothermal materials for solar water evaporation. Aggregate. 2023, e371. (9) Y Niu, Y Guan, C Long, C Ren, J Lu, C Jin, P Wang*, X Fan, Xie, H.-L.* A universal strategy for achieving dual cross-linked networks to obtain ultralong polymeric room temperature phosphorescence. Sci. China. Chem. 2023, 66(4), 1161-1168. (10) ZW Luo, A Huang, HY Luo, JK Chen, J Huang, Xie, H.-L.* Regulating Circularly Polarized Luminescent Behavior of Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers through Resonance Energy Transfer, Macromolecules,2023, 56(7), 2700-2708. (11) ZW Luo, A Huang, Y Deng, J Huang, Zh-Q Bu, Xie, H.-L.* Highly Efficient Wavelength-Tunable Circularly Polarized Luminescence Film Constructed by Responsive Chiral Aggregation-induced Emission Luminophore. Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202300498. (12) A Huang, J Huang, H-Y Luo, ZW Luo, P Wang, * P Wang,* Y Guan, Xie, H.-L.* Circularly polarized organic room temperature phosphorescence activated by liquid crystalline polymer networks. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 4104–4111. (13) Lei Tao, H-L Xie*, Xin Qi, Jun Song, Hong Xin, Zhen-Qiang Yu* AIEgen containing side-chain liquid crystalline polymers: Photoluminecence or photothermal, which dominate? Nano Res. 2022, 15 (10), 9334-9340. (14) Kai Lan, Yuan Deng, Ao Huang, Shi-Qin Li, Guoliang Liu*,Xie, H.-L.* Highly-performance polyimide as an efficient photothermal material for solar-driven water evaporation. Polymer 2022, 256,125177. (15) 吴伯熙, 骆支旺, 邓媛, 王平, 谢鹤楼,* 功能“甲壳”型液晶高分子的研究进展. 液晶与显示 2022, 1-15. (Invited paper) (16) Yang Q, Zhu JC, Li ZX, Chen XS, Jiang YX, Luo ZW, Wang P*, Xie, H.-L.,* Luminescent Liquid Crystals Based on Carbonized Polymer Dots and Their Polarized Luminescence Application ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 22, 26522–26532. (17) Chen R, Guan Y, Wang H, Zhu Y, Tan X, Wang P*, Wang X, Fan X, Xie, H.-L,*Organic Persistent Luminescent Materials: Ultralong Room-Temperature Phosphorescence and Multicolor-Tunable Afterglow. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13 ,34, 41131-41139. (18) Zhu Y, Guan Y, Niu Y, Wang P, Chen R, Wang Y, Wang P*, Xie, H.-L,* Ultralong Polymeric Room Temperature Phosphorescence Materials Fabricated by Multiple Hydrogen Bondings Resistant to Temperature and Humidity. A Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2100782. (19) Deng Y, Li SQ, Yang Q, Luo ZW, Xie, H.-L* High-Efficiency Responsive Smart Windows Fabricated by Carbon Nanotubes Modified by Liquid Crystalline Polymers. Crystals 2021, 11 (4), 440. (Invited paper) (20) Wang Q, Chen H, Xing H, Deng Y, Luo ZW, Xie, H.-L* Long Rod-Like Liquid Crystal Containing Azobenzene and the Applications in Phase-Transition Regulation and Orientation of Nematic Liquid Crystal. Crystals 2021, 11 (4), 418. (Invited paper) (21) 邓媛, 范遥见, 陶磊, 骆支旺, 谢鹤楼* 含有偶氮苯液晶纳米粒子的合成及其超分子结构和光控取向行为. 应用化学 2021, 38 (10), 1353-1361. (Invited paper) (22) 李振兴, 骆支旺, 王平, 余振强, 陈尔强, 谢鹤楼,* 发光液晶高分子:分子构筑、结构与性能及其应用. 化学进展 2021, DOI: 10.7536/PC210437 (23) Luo, Zh.-W.; Tao L.; Zhong Ch-L.; Li Zh-X.; Lan K.; Feng Y.;* Wang P.; Xie, H.-L.* High-Efficiency Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Chiral Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers with Aggregation-Induced Emission Properties. Macromolecules 2020, 53,9758-9768. (24) Tao L.; Lan K.; Zhong Ch-L.; Zhou Y-J.; Wang P.; Fan F.; Shen, Zh.H.; Xie, H.-L.* Wavelength-tunable linearly polarized luminescence film constructed using a highly efficient luminescent liquid crystal with stimuli-responsive property. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 16561--16568. (25) Tao L.; Luo, Zh.-W.; Lan K.; Wang P.; Guan Y.; Shen, Zh.H.; Xie, H.-L.,* Stimuli-responsive luminescent supramolecular polymers based on hydrogen bonding: molecular fabrication, phase structure, and controllable rewritable behavior. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 6288–6294. (26) Hun, J.; Kuang, Z. Y.;Tao L.; Huang, Y.F.; Wang Q.; Xie, H.-L*.; Yin J.R., Chen, E.-Q*.Programmable 3D Shape-Change Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Based on Vertically-Aligned Monodomain with Crosslink Gradient. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019,11, 48393–48401. (27) Kuang, Z. Y.; Deng, Yuan.; Hun, J.; Tao L.; Wang P.; Chen, J.; Xie, H.-L.* Responsive Smart Windows Enabled by the Azobenzene Copolymer Brush with Photothermal Effect ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 2019, 11, 40, 37026-37034 . (28) Tao L.; Li M. L.; Yang K-P.; Guan Yan.; Wang P*.; Shen Z H.; Xie, H.-L.* Color-Tunable and Stimulus-Responsive Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers Fabricated by Hydrogen Bonding ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11(16), 15051–15059. (29) Zhu, J-C.; Han, T.; Guo, Y.; Wang, P.; Xie, H.-L.;* Meng, ZG.; Yu, Z.-Q.; * Tang, B Z*. Design and Synthesis of Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers with “Jacketing” Effect and Luminescent Patterning Applications. Macromolecules. 2019, 52, 3668−3679. (30) Zhu, J-C.; Guan, Y.; Luo, Zh.-W.; Li, Zh.-X.; Huang, H.-H.; Wang, P. *; Shen, Zh.H.; Xie, H.-L.,* Design, Synthesis and Ordering Enhanced Emission of Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers based on “Jacketing” Effect. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 6342 – 6349. (31) Kuang, Z. Y.; Fan, Y. J.; Tao L.; Li M. L.; Zhao N*.; Wang P, Chen, E.-Q.; Fan F.; Xie, H.-L.* Alignment Control of Nematic Liquid Crystal by Gold Nanoparticles Grafted Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Azobenzene Mesogens as Side Chain. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (32), 27269–27277. (32) Tao L.; Cheng H.; Kuang, Z. Y.; Weng Ch; Wang P.; Zhao N.; Xie, H.-L.* “Jacketing” Effect Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Perylenediimide as Side Chain: Synthesis, Liquid Crystalline Phase and Photovoltaic Performances. ACS Apply. Energy Mater. 2018,1,4122-4129. (33) Tang, J; Tao, L.; Xie, H.-L.;* Guo, Y.; Ni B.; Yang Shu-G.; Zhang, H.-L.; * Chen, E.-Q. * Main-chain/side-chain liquid crystalline polymer based on “jacketing” effect with different-length tails: Phase structures and spontaneous oriented behavior in film. Polymer 2018, 143,137-144; (34) Guo, Y.; Shi, D.; Luo, Zh-W., Xu, J.-R.; Li, M.-L.; Yang, L-H.; Yu, Z.-Q.; * Chen, E.-Q., Xie, H.-L.* High Efficiency Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission and “Jacketing” Effect: Design, Synthesis, Photophyscial Property, and Phase Structure. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 9607-96169. (35) Xie, H.-L.; Li, Xiao.; Ren, J.X.; Bishop, C.; Arges, C. G.; Nealey, P. F*., Controlling domain orientation of liquid crystalline block copolymer in thin films through tuning mesogenic chemical structures. J Poly Sci: Poly Physic. 2017, 55, 532–541; (36) Xie, H.-L.; Li, Xiao.; Ren, J.X.; Bishop, C.; Arges, C. G.; Nealey, P. F*., Water-Soluble Top Coats for Orientation Control of Liquid Crystal-Containing Block Copolymer Films. J Poly Sci: Poly Physic. 2017, 55, 1569–1574; (37) 颜娇娇, 范遥见, 陶磊, 谢鹤楼*, 张海良. 基于“甲壳”效应、不同尾链长度的离子液晶高分子的相行为和相结构.高分子学报. 2017, 10, 1–7; (Invited paper) (38) Ni, B.; Xie, H.-L.;* Tang, J.; Zhang, H.-L*.; Chen, E.-Q., A self-healing photoinduced-deformable material fabricated by liquid crystalline elastomers using multivalent hydrogen bonds as cross-linkers. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 10257-10260; (39) Yan, M.; Tang, J.; Xie, H.-L.;* Ni, B.; Zhang, H.-L.; Chen, E.-Q., Self-healing and phase behavior of liquid crystalline elastomer based on a block copolymer constituted of a side-chain liquid crystalline polymer and a hydrogen bonding block. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8526-8534. (40) Xie, H.-L.;* Ni, B, Liu Q, Wang J, Yang Sh, H Zhang, H.-L.;* Chen, E.-Q., * Self organization of main-chain/side-chain liquid crystalline polymer based on “jacketing” effect with different lengths of spacer: from smectic to hierarchically ordered structure, RSC Advances 2015,5, 97187–97194; (41) Yang, Y.-Q.; Xie, H.-L.;* Tang, J.; Tang, S.; Yi, J.;* Zhang, H.-L.,* Design and preparation of a non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on a novel rigid chain liquid crystalline polymer/reduced graphene oxide composite. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (78), 63662-63668; (42) Weng, L.; Yan, J.-J.; Xie, H.-L.;* Zhong, G.-Q.; Zhu, S.-Q.; Zhang, H.-L.; Chen, E.-Q., Combined main-chain/side-chain ionic liquid crystalline polymer based on ‘jacketing’ effect: Design, synthesis, supra-molecular self-assembly and photophysical properties. eXPRESS Poly Lett 2015, 536-553; (43) Yan, J.-J.; Xie, H.-L.;* Weng, L.; Yang, S.; Zhang, H.-L., * Manipulating ordered structure of ionic liquid crystalline polymers through tuning the alkyl spacer length. Polymer 2014, 55 (25), 6504-6512; (44) Wen, G.-H.; Zhang, B.; Xie, H.-L.;* Liu, X.; Zhong, G.-Q.; Zhang, H.-L.;* Chen, E.-Q.,* Microphase Separation Facilitating and Stabilizing Hierarchical Segment Self-Assembly of Combined Main-Chain/Side-Chain Liquid Cryst alline Polymer in Diblock Copolymer. Macromolecules 2013, 46 (13), 5249-5259. (45) Xie, H.-L.; Wang, S.-J.; Zhong, G.-Q.; Liu, Y.-X.; Zhang, H.-L.; * Chen, E.-Q., * Combined Main-Chain/Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Main-Chain On the basis of "Jacketing" Effect and Side-Chain Containing Azobenzene Groups. Macromolecules 2011, 44 (19), 7600-7609. (46) Weng, L.; Yan, J.-J.; Xie, H.-L.;* Zhong, G.-Q.; Zhu, S.-Q.; Zhang, H.-L.;* Chen, E.-Q., Design, synthesis, and self-assembly manipulating of polymerized ionic liquids contained imidazolium based on "Jacketing" effect. J Poly Sci: Poly Chem 2013, 51 (9), 1912-1923; (47) Xie, H.-L.; Jie, C.-K.; Yu, Z.-Q.; Liu, X.-B.; Zhang, H.-L*.; Shen, Z.; Chen, E.-Q*.; Zhou, Q.-F., Hierarchical Supramolecular Ordering with Biaxial Orientation of a Combined Main-Chain/Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Obtained from Radical Polymerization of 2-Vinylterephthalate. J Am Chem Soc 2010, 132 (23), 8071-8080. (48) Xie, H.-L.; Liu, Y.-X.; Zhong, G.-Q.; Zhang, H.-L.; * Chen, E.-Q.; * Zhou, Q.-F., Design, Synthesis, and Multiple Hierarchical Ordering of a Novel Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline-Rod Diblock Copolymer. Macromolecules 2009, 42 (22), 8774-8780. (49) Xie, H.-L.; Hu, T.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, H*.; Chen, E.; Zhou, Q., Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a Combined Main-Chain/Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer Based on Mesogen-Jacketed Liquid Crystal Polymer via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. J Poly Sci: Poly Chem 2008, 46 (22), 7310-7320. 专利 (1) 谢鹤楼,郭阳,李明莉,一种具有聚集诱导发光效应的刚性链液晶高分子及其制备方法,ZL 2016109815134. (2) 谢鹤楼,匡泽洋,范遥见,通过液晶聚合物修饰的金纳米粒子调控液晶取向的方法,ZL 2017103615001. (3) 谢鹤楼,匡泽洋,范遥见,一种通过无规共聚构筑的聚合物刷调控液晶取向的方法,ZL 2017103726574. (4) 谢鹤楼,陈黄,匡泽洋,一种超长棒状的液晶小分子调控常规液晶分子液晶区间的方法. ZL 2017112324715. (5) 谢鹤楼,胡俊,陈黄,一种通过特殊棒状分子或其聚合物调控液晶分子取向的方法. ZL 2018104036208. (6) 谢鹤楼, 兰凯, 吴伯熙, 一种具有高效光热效应的聚酰亚胺碳纳米管复合气凝胶的制备方法ZL 2021101494742. (7) 谢鹤楼, 邓媛, 胡俊, 陶磊, 一种通过液晶高分子修饰的碳纳米管制备多重响应智能窗, ZL 2019105982555. (8) 谢鹤楼, 朱基春, 刘鹏祥, 一种固态发光的碳化聚合物点液晶的制备方法 ZL 2019102788657. (9) 谢鹤楼, 骆支旺, 陶磊, 一种手性发光液晶高分子及其制备方法 ZL 2018111532772. (10) 谢鹤楼, 邓媛, 一种具有被动辐射制冷特性的聚合物调光薄膜的制备方法 CN 2022112745503. (11) 谢鹤楼, 李诗琴, 一种具有本征型高效光热效应的聚酰亚胺的制备方法CN 2022115610279 . |